A downloadable game

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Play a flashy accountant that uses paralyzing hyperbole or a sneaky produce manager trying to stop the evil overlord trying to enslave the city.

B-Super is a complete Forged in the Dark game on two pages. Inspired by the Tick, you play quirky heroes with  odd superpowers (and not much else) going on missions to protect their city from evil. It works great for one-shots, but acquiring assets between missions allows for character advancement in campaign play.

B-Super is a light re-skin of my FitD game, Anti-Heroes: Supers Forged in the Dark.

May 8, 2022 Update!

Thanks to Vittorio, B-Super has Google Sheets character keepers for online play and an Italian translation!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

B-SUPER print b2b and fold.pdf 2.3 MB
_B-SUPER print b2b and fold - printer friendly.pdf 2 MB
B-SUPER - ITALIANO Scheda PG Editabile.pdf 837 kB

Development log


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Only one thing: Wow! I really fell in love with this game and I am going to run it with a couple of groups next week. To make things easier to them I translated it into Italian and I would like to share my translation with you, but I couldn’t find any e-mail address to contact you. Let me know how to share my translation with you and maybe, if you find it worthy, you could put it here alongside with the original version 😁

(1 edit)

that would be great!